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Top Questions

Is there a playground on-site?

Yes, there is an age appropriate on-site playgrounds at the center.

What are the educational goals of Bright Horizons?

Comprehensive, optimum development of each child: mind, body, social self, and character. Preparation for Success in Life

  • Approaching life as an invitation to learn
  • Becoming a confident and competent lifelong learner
  • Becoming a confident and competent user of technology
  • Developing emotional intelligence: personal power and social skills
Preparation for Academic Excellence

  • Developing the social and cognitive skills necessary for school success
  • Achieving excellence in language and literacy
  • Developing an engaged, reflective, inquisitive mind and appreciation of science
  • Achieving excellence in logical/mathematical understanding

A Rich and Rewarding Childhood

  • Happy days
  • Wonderful relationships
  • A World of experience

Does Bright Horizons offer discounts to military families?

Tuition assistance is available for eligible military families when on-base care is not available at participating Bright Horizon’s centers. You can find more information, and map of participating centers here