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When is tuition due?

Tuition is due the Friday prior to attendance if paying on a weekly basis and on the 25th of the month if paying on a monthly basis. Payment may be made by check, cash or payroll deduction. Tuition and other charges are payable in accordance with the Rate Sheet found at the Front Desk with no deductions for absences or holidays. Non-payment through the end of the week or by the first of the month if paying monthly will be construed as grounds for disenrollment. If tuition is not paid per this agreement, your child's enrollment will be discontinued.

What are your hours of operation?

We are open Monday through Friday from 6:15 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. You can refer to our Center Calendar to see which holidays we will be closed. If we do have to close, we do give our families notice in advance.

Who is eligible to use the Center?

Any child who is a legal dependent of a hospital employee from Saint Joseph's and Children's Healthcare of Atlanta, New Generations faculty, or public community may enroll at New Generations Child Development Center. Priority is given to employees of our client sponsors at Saint Joseph's and Children's Healthcare of Atlanta.

Does Bright Horizons have a written policy on use of time-out?

We do not use time out as a disipline strategy. Some children may need to be removed from the group if they are endangering others or themselves. This is done with the teacher to help calm them down, talk things over or redirect the behavior, not by themselves such as traditional methods of sitting in timeout alone. Children can be redirected however to another area or activity.

Is there a registration fee for enrollment?

Yes. The registration fee is $100.00 per child. There are no discounts when more than one child from a family is enrolled in our program. This fee will not be payroll deducted and should accompany your enrollment or pre-enrollment packages.

Is part-time care available?

No.  We only offer full-time enrollment.  However, if a family chooses to attend every day or three days out of the week, the tuition rate will remain the same.

How do you discipline the children?

Parents and teachers are interested in promoting self-control and appropriate social behavior in children. We use positive methods to encourage development of these behaviors. We do not believe in nor do we practice, corporal punishment or other frightening/humiliating disciplinary techniques. Teachers use positive methods to redirect children's behavior and reinforce the positive behavior.

What is your medication policy?

We understand that the health of your children is one of your most important concerns. We administer medication (inhalers and nebulizers only) at 12 NOON.  All prescriptions must come in their original containers with instructions and with a doctor's prescription attached.

How can I get an EarlyLearner account?

Your child's teachers will be able to send you an invitation to open an account once they've received your email address. Please make sure to check your junk or bulk folder in case your email provider may view the invitation as junk mail.

Can my child bring food from home?

Children should not bring food to school. The school provides adequate meals and snacks. We follow USDA guidelines for the composition of our menus. Menus are posted in the hallway near the kitchen and next to the sign-in computer at the front desk.

Can I reserve a space in the center for my child who is not yet born?

You may pre-enroll your expected child as soon as you have confirmed your pregnancy. This is strongly recommended. We will need to know your due date and when you expect to return to work.

Are parents allowed to volunteer in the center?

Volunteer participation in the program is a special treat for children and staff. Most parents have special talents or have had interesting experiences, which can enrich our program. You are invited to share this with the children at a convenient time for the class. We recommend anything from reading a book to helping serve lunch as a model of appropriate behavior and civil duties.

What are the educational goals of Bright Horizons?

Comprehensive, optimum development of each child: mind, body, social self, and character. Preparation for Success in Life

  • Approaching life as an invitation to learn
  • Becoming a confident and competent lifelong learner
  • Becoming a confident and competent user of technology
  • Developing emotional intelligence: personal power and social skills
Preparation for Academic Excellence

  • Developing the social and cognitive skills necessary for school success
  • Achieving excellence in language and literacy
  • Developing an engaged, reflective, inquisitive mind and appreciation of science
  • Achieving excellence in logical/mathematical understanding

A Rich and Rewarding Childhood

  • Happy days
  • Wonderful relationships
  • A World of experience

Will meals be served or does the parent provide the lunch?

All food for the center will be our cook. We provide breakfast, lunch, and an afternoon snack. Menus will be developed following USDA Nutritional Guidelines as required by our state licensing agency. Milk or juice will always be on the menu.

Will I be able to stay enrolled at the center if my employment is terminated by either myself or the company?

Yes. However, we ask that you speak to one of our administrative staff to update your information in our system and to further discuss any questions or concerns you may have.

Can I visit my child at the center anytime I’d like to?

Yes, Bright Horizons has an open door policy.  You are encouraged to visit your child anytime.  We do highly recommend that the parents do speak with the teachers and let them know just in case the children might be sleeping or in the middle of an enrichment program.  

What is your sick policy?

Parents will receive an illness policy before enrollment. Children will be sent home for a tempature above 100 degrees and asked not to return for 48 hours. They will also be asked to be removed from the center for 24 hours due to vomiting or diarrhea

Does Bright Horizons offer discounts to military families?

Tuition assistance for eligible military families is available at participating Bright Horizons’ centers when on-base care is not available. You can find more information and a map of participating centers here