Our Curriculum

A teacher shows different cards on a mat to a young boy taking notes | Bright Horizons | Childcare

The Montessori School Environment

Our classrooms are designed to be conducive to learning and developing the child’s independence and self-confidence. The furniture and materials are child-sized and placed within reach, and the child are expected to maintain an orderly room by putting materials back by themselves.

A young boy presses pins on fabric at daycare | Bright Horizons | Montessori

Montessori Learning Materials

The design of the learning materials is key to the success of the method. The materials are both attractive and challenging; working with them develops the child’s ability to manipulate objects and instruments more precisely. Advanced materials help children develop skills needed for math, reading and writing and other materials introduce cooking, gardening, science, geography, art and music. 

Young children explore their surroundings through magnifying glasses | Bright Horizon

STEM Learning

At the SAS Institute Preschool, STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) learning begins in the preschool program, where teachers create learning experiences that spark creativity, problem solving and critical thinking. 

Two young toddlers hug each other | Bright Horizons | Child care | Daycare | Social-emotional caring

Caring Matters

Our comprehensive Caring Matters curriculum supports children’s social-emotional development and ensures that children always feel safe, happy, secure, and free to learn and explore.

Young toddlers practice mindfulness and yoga on mats | Bright Horizons | Daycare

Well Aware

Well Aware is the Bright Horizons approach to health, fitness, and wellness, developed to foster positive attitudes toward healthy living through experiences, activities, and interactions with caring adults.



Classrooms that Inspire Learning

“Early childhood classrooms are special places; within them discoveries abound, imaginations soar, and anything is possible.”


Rachel Robertson - VP, Learning & Development at Bright Horizons

Bright Horizons Art Studio
Bright Horizons Language Works Environment
Bright Horizons Outdoor Plants Environment

At Bright Horizons we believe that environment is the key to creating a joyful place for childhood; and we put a great deal of thought and care into creating those joyful places. In keeping with Reggio Emilia and Montessori philosophies, our designs consider not only what children need in a space, but how they will use it. We know our centers will form an integral part of a child’s earliest learning; and with that in mind, we carefully curate high-quality materials for every center to create beautiful environments with rich, open-ended experiences that nurture development and inspire learning.


The Teacher's Role

Our teachers are all experienced and dedicated professionals who meet rigid certification requirements. By focusing on children’s unique interests, these talented educators work alongside children to support today’s big milestones and tomorrow’s success.

Our Inspiration

Inspired by the world’s educational leaders to create a great place for learning and for childhood

“The goal of early childhood education should be to activate the child’s own natural desire to learn.”



“It’s not how smart you are, it’s how you are smart.”



“Our task regarding creativity is to help children climb their own mountains, as high as possible.”



“Development is not a race, it's a journey.”



“Play is the highest form of research.”
