Take the Next Step
Ready to get started? Schedule a meeting with Bright Horizons to get a tour of our center. See our classrooms, ask questions about tuition, openings and our enrollment process. Find out how we’ll help your family thrive!
Yes, in order to reserve a space for your child now, you will need to submit the registration fee and first month's tuition up front, based upon availability you be contacted.
Yes, the center has a beautiful playground with mature trees, two age appropriate play structures, as well as developmentally appropriate toys and games to play with outside.
Comprehensive, optimum development of each child: mind, body, social self, and character.
Preparation for Success in Life
Tuition varies by center, schedule and by individual classroom. To find out more information about tuition, please contact the center directly.
Please call the Center to schedule a Tour @ (212) 750-5301
Bright Horizons at The Octagon is open to all.
Tuition assistance is available for eligible military families when on-base care is not available at participating Bright Horizon’s centers. You can find more information, and map of participating centers here.
Ready to get started? Schedule a meeting with Bright Horizons to get a tour of our center. See our classrooms, ask questions about tuition, openings and our enrollment process. Find out how we’ll help your family thrive!