Begin the enrollment process by registering your child in our family portal. Once we receive your registration, we’ll be in touch to support your needs. Please note that registration doesn’t guarantee immediate enrollment.
What if I’d like to enroll but the center doesn’t have space available?
We suggest you complete the Wait List Registration Form (located under For Our Parents section at the top of our web-site) as soon as you are eligible and submit it to the Bright Horizons Early Learning Center at 1505. This is a client based center so you must be an employee or affiliate of Chevron (includes Chevron contractors such as Sodexo, Exos, HFC, and others). Upon verification of your eligibility and receipt of your paid registration fee, we will add you to our wait list and you will be offered a space as soon as one becomes available. While waiting for a space to become available, we can assist you in seeking alternate care arrangements. Depending on your location, a space may be available at one of our community based centers. Our goal is to accommodate families as soon as space allows. During the entire process, we will keep in touch with you regarding your status.
What is Bright Horizons' process on checking the background of their employees?
Bright Horizons conducts a comprehensive background check on all prospective employees and frequent visitors. The background check consists of a county criminal record check for the past seven years performed in all counties that a person has lived, worked or attended school. In addition to the county criminal search, a sex offender search, OFAC search and a social security verification trace are also conducted. For all location employees, program licensing background checks required by the state are also performed.
I just got hired! Can I start right away?
Congratulations! We work with the Chevron community closely to ensure they receive a spot as soon as possible. Timing depends on the age of your child, the space currently available and the number of families previously enrolled and waiting. We want to serve as many employees as space will allow.
Please complete the "Schedule a Visit" information at the bottom of this page to schedule your tour.
We look forward to meeting you soon!
Can I visit my child at the center anytime I’d like to?
Yes, Bright Horizons has an open door policy. You are encouraged to visit your child anytime.
Who is eligible to enroll in the center?
The Bright Horizons Early Learning Center at 1505 serves full time, part-time employees and Chevron contractors in Houston, TX. All employees are verified through the corporate office prior to enrollment.
Please view the "For Our Parents" section located at the top of our web-site for helpful documents explaining how to enroll, tuition pricing, setting up a tour, wait list information, additional FAQ's, and more!
What is The World At Their Fingertips?
Our research-based World at Their Fingertips® curriculum meets children where they are developmentally, with Signature Practices that build confidence and excitement about learning at every age and stage. In every classroom, our goal is to help children do more than learn; it’s to cultivate the joy of learning. And our emergent approach — teaching skills by leveraging a child’s own interests — enables teachers to tailor activities and projects for the specific talents and needs of each child in the class. Learn more about our specialized programs for babies, toddlers and preschool children, and how we prepare children for schooland life beyond.
Are all staff trained in CPR and First Aid?
All Bright Horizons center staff are trained in CPR and first aid. Once an employee is hired, they are required to fulfill 16 hours of training through our new employee orientation. This training takes place over a two-day period, where the employee spends time observing each age group in the center. Teachers must successfully complete first aid and CPR training, in addition to local licensing and/or Department of Health requirements (e.g., food handler safety card.)
I'm interested in applying for a job at this center. Is there someone I can contact?
Where can I learn more about other Bright Horizons locations?
We have many centers across the US, and each center reflects the unique personality of its leadership and community. To find the best fit for you and your family find a child care center near you.
What is NAEYC accreditation?
The National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) has developed standards to define and recognize quality child care programs. In order to be accredited, a child care program must meet a variety of strict criteria, including having a well-trained faculty, good staff-child ratios and group sizes, and a comprehensive curriculum, as well as meet stringent health and safety standards. The program must also provide meaningful opportunities for family involvement.
Take the Next Step
Ready to get started? Schedule a meeting with Bright Horizons to get a tour of our center. See our classrooms, ask questions about tuition, openings and our enrollment process. Find out how we’ll help your family thrive!